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700 West State Street
 Boise, Idaho 83720


Idaho Department of Commerce - FilmIdaho Film Permits GuidelinesFederal Land: You will need to contact the district office for either the BLM or USFS to obtain permission/permits for shooting/filming for commercial purposes.State Land: You will need to contact the governing body for permission/permits for shooting/filming for commercial purposes.City Land: If you are filming (low impact) on city property, you typically will not need formal permissions for shooting/filming for commercial purposes. Some exceptions are: structures, city parks, etc., in which you will need to reach out to the city and ask for permission/permits. The Idaho office does ask, even if no permission is necessary, that you reach out to local law enforcement to let them know you will be out shooting/filming. When in doubt, it is always best to reach out to the city to ask questions regarding permission/permits.Private Property: You will not need formal permission/permits from a government office to film/shoot on private property. You will need permission/permits from the property owner.Land Ownership Map: The map can help you identify the appropriate ownership of land in Idaho.Idaho Tax Reimbursement Incentive
Unfortunately, Idaho does not have a film tax incentive or Film Commission any longer. The statute expired June 30, 2020, however, the statute was never funded so there was never any money appropriated for the incentive.


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