NCA ENtertainment delivers portable Amusement Rides to Special Events, Film Shoots, Television productions, Themed Events, and the State Fair effect.
NCA is head-quartered in Chula Vista, and now reaches neighbors in all directions as far away as Yuma Arizona, Palm Springs-Indio, Los Angeles, Orange County and Santa Barbara.
• Round Up
foot print- 35 x 45, size restrictions 42 minimum - 240lb max.
• Sizzler
foot print- 60 circle, size restrictions 48 minimum solo, 42 with guardian- 350lb max in car.
• Swings
foot print- 60 circle, size restrictions 42 minimum - 220lb max
• Bumper Car
foot print- 30 x 50, size restrictions 52 solo driver, 42 passenger with guardian driver - 350lb max in car.
• Flying Elephant
foot print- 35 circle, size restrictions 36 minimum - 120lb maximum. 3 tickets
• Dragon Adventure
foot print- 25 x 30, size restrictions 36 minimum- 120lb maximum.
• Frog Hopper
foot print-10 x 20, size restrictions 36 minimum- 750lb on bench.
• Russian Castle
foot print- 30 x 45 size restrictions 36 minimum- 120 lb max.
• Fun Slide
foot print- 10 x 90 size restrictions 36 minimum- 250 lb max.
All season slide for all ages; can be used wet for a summer water slide, or with a snow blower in winter as a snow hill.
Amusement Rides, Round Up, Sizzler, Bumper Car, Flying Elephant, Dragon Adventure, Russian Castle, Frog Hopper, Fun Slide