Amalgamated Costume & Design is an East Coast Wardrobe Company Specializing in Renting Authentic Period and Vintage Clothing for Men and Women from the Turn of the Century to 1960. The inventory is curated for high quality, well-made, vintage pieces in wearable condition; new items are added every week. Excellent Resource for Designers, Costumers, Stylists and Photographers in the Washington D.C. area. Amalgamated supplied the Wardrobe for Boardwalk Empire. The General Public is Welcome. Sales and Rentals. Classic clothing from the turn of the century thru 1960: Art Deco, Prohibition, Gatsby, Civilian WWII, Swing, Post War, Classic Early 1950s, Rockabilly, and the Late 1950s for Film, Stage or Print. - Mens suits from 1860-1970 - Mens hats: boaters - Stetson brand - newsboy caps - work caps and military caps - Mens accessories: ties - bow ties - spats - braces - canes - cuff links - studs - glasses and rings - Womens dresses from 1860-1980 including day dresses - cocktail dresses - mourning dresses and formal dresses - Womens accessories - hats - purses, - shoes - scarves - jewelry and belts