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Western and Rustic Set Dressing

Top  9  of 13 Listings:

35660 Jayhawker Road, Agua Dulce, California 91390
Caravan West Productions offer technical advice on the Old West, Horsemanship and Proper Firearm Handling. They also Supply Livestock, Historically Accurate Firearms, Saddles, Tack and Props from 1850-1900. ...more

4000 Central SE, Albuquerque, New Mexico 87108
Museum-Quality Examples of Plains Indian Beadwork, Navajo Textiles, Pueblo Pottery, American Indian Baskets, Cowboy Gear, Western Movie Memorabilia, Paintings, and Other Small Pieces of Western History. ...more

160 North La Brea Avenue, Los Angeles, California 90036
Antique Quilts and Country Furnishings. Large Collection of Textiles, Indian Blankets, Rugs, Quilts and Pillows Made From Vintage Fabrics and Western Items. Sales & Rentals ...more

917 East Walnut Street, Lebanon, Indiana 46052
Fall Creek Suttlery in Indiana offers Civil War era Uniforms, Tents, Muskets and Rifles. Civil War Military Leather Goods, Civil War Shoes and Boots, Euroarms and Armi Sport Muskets. ...more

7149 Fair Avenue, North Hollywood, California 91605
History For Hire Prop House, Los Angeles, specializing in Period Prop Rentals, Custom Fabrication, Graphics, Motion Picture Equipment & Musical Instruments. Large inventory of Vintage and Period Hand Props, Set Dressing, Military and ... ...more

24715 Oak Creek, California 91321
Melody Ranch Studio Ranch is a complete Western Town with Interiors and Pueblo Village. A 22 acre back lot all located in the 30 mile zone. ...more

Woodland Hills, California 91364
Mike Tristano & Co. in Los Angeles is one of the largest suppliers of prop guns for the movie and television industry. A large and diverse inventory of blank-adapted, blank-firing guns, ... ...more

1515 E 15th Street, Los Angeles, California 90021
Omega Prop House -CP Two / CP2, Los Angeles. all periods & styles of residential appliances; grocery store set dressing, restaurant & bar furnishings ...more

1500 Hamilton Pool Road, Austin, Texas 78738
The Relic Source in Austin, specializes in Period and Western Items: Props, Set Dressing, Architectural Antiques and Architectural Details. They are a sister company to Star Picture Cars and Star Hill Ranch. ...more

...more recommended resources for Film & TV Production:

Acton, California 93510
Sales and Repair of Wagons, Buggies, Wheels, Carriages. Western and Farm Antiques, including: Chuck Wagons, Buggies, Fiberglass Animals, Windmills and Ore Carts. 20 miles North of Los Angeles. Sales & Rentals. ...more

1022 Leorita Street, Baldwin Park, California 91706
Everything for the Horse and Rider, English and Western Clothing, Tack and Saddlery: Halters, Saddles, Headstalls, Working Tack, Breast Collars, Bits, Spurs and Accessories. One of the Largest Tack Stores in the ... ...more

Castaic, California 91384
Specializing in Horses-Cast, Falling, Rearing, Bucking, Trick, Liberty and Driving. Riding, Driving and Pack Mules. Cows, Bulls, Roping and Range Steers. TACK: Contemporary Western and English Tack. Period Cavalry and Spanish ... ...more

Sun Valley, California 91352
Premier Props in the Los Angeles area: Period Props: Furniture, Appliances, Store Fixtures, A-Frame Canvas Tents and Hand Props. Prop House & Prop Rentals ...more

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