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Top  29  of 70 Listings:

20 Jay Street, Suite 848, Brooklyn, New York 11201
Over 90 million Stock Photos, Illustrations and Videos: News, Entertainment and Historical images. Reasonable Pricing and Hassle free; No Subscriptions or Credits. Note from the Alamy website: Founded in the UK by ... ...more

1 World Trade Center, New York City, New York 10007
International Design Magazine, featuring the work of top Architects and Designers, as well as Style, Culture, Travel, and Shopping. ...more

Resource for Artists, Designers, Architects, Students, Teachers and Art Deco Enthusiasts Throughout the World. ...more

Online Resource,
Art Departmental is a design resource that celebrates and educates on the art and craft of production design in film and television. Both the website and social media networks offer informative and ... ...more

P.O. Box 852, Columbus, Georgia 31902
The Costume Society of America Advances the Global Understanding of All Aspects of Dress and Appearance. ...more

London EC1A 4AB
The Costume Society promotes the study of all aspects of clothing and textiles, the Society aims to encourage access to costume history, including contemporary dress. the Societys appeal is wide-ranging and ... ...more

720 Goodlette Road North, 4th Floor, Naples, Florida 34102
Retail Market Resource for Store Design: from Architectural Lighting to Unique Store Displays, DDI Highlights the Retail Design Ideas that Other Retailers are Utilizing to Create a Profitable Retail Store Environment. DDI ... ...more

720 Goodlette Road North, 4th Floor, Naples, Florida 34102
Online Directory to find Business Services and Visual Merchandisers: Architectural Elements, Audio Equipment, Design Services, Digital Signage, Fixtures, Flooring, Furniture, Green Products & Services, In-Store Marketing & POP, Lighting, Mannequins & Forms, Props & Dé... ...more

166 rue de Marcinelle, Charleroi, Belgium, 6032
Design Addict offers resources related to Modern, Postmodern and Contemporary Design of the 20th-21st Centuries. ...more

2520 North Santiago Boulevard, C, Orange, California 92869
Oaktree Realtors Site Dedicated to Eichler Homes ...more

P.O. Box 22635, San Francisco, California 94122
A Website Devoted to the Classic, Award-Winning Homes Built by Joseph Eichler in the 1950s-1960s. Gallery, Floor Plans and Links for Eichler Homes and Related Topics. ...more

The EYE Museum is the House of Film, a Modern Museum Related to Film. Museum & Database of Dutch Films & History. ...more

A resource and blog for decor, furniture and art seen in films and television; with special features on Directors, Production Designers, Set Decorators, Furniture Designers and the UKs best Interiors Shops. ...more

Moving Images Archives Preservation from Films in the UK ...more

Federation of Film Archives Dedicated to Preservation and Showing of Motion Pictures. Archives Spanning the Entire History of Film. Founded in Paris. ...more

300 Funston Avenue, San Francisco, California 94118
The Internet Archive is building a digital library of Internet sites and other cultural artifacts in digital form. Like a paper library, they provide free access to researchers, historians, scholars, the print ... ...more

523 W. Sixth St. #826 (Mailing Address), Los Angeles, California 90014
Since 1984, the Conservancys Modern Committee (ModCom) has been a trailblazer in preserving Modern resources throughout Los Angeles County. The Modern Committee has a strong track record in Modern preservation. ...more

333 South La Cienega Boulevard, Beverly Hills, California 90211
The Margaret Herrick Library (AMPAS) is a Film Research Library Covering all Aspects of Motion Pictures as an Art Form and Industry. Photo I.D. Required. Open to the Public. Appointments must ... ...more

14 Murray Street, #103, New York City, New York 10007
Movie Review Query Engine is the Internets Largest Database of Movie Reviews for over 100,000 Titles. ...more

NFSA Holds more than 2 Million Works of Australias Audio-Visual Heritage. Collections Available for Researching Online. ...more

Manchester Central Library, St. Peters Square, Manchester M2 5PD
Moving Image Heritage of the North West of England Archives. NWFA is a part of the Library Service of the Manchester Metropolitan University, now located in the Manchester Central Library. ...more

New York City, New York
International Styling Agency ...more

While this Site is Based in Southern California, the Majority of Content on Roadside Peek is from Locations Outside of the Area. Stop in, grab a Beef Jerky and Take an Adventure ... ...more

New York City, New York 90404
Shutterstock offers Royalty-Free Stock Photos, Illustrations and Vectors. Over 30 million stock photos, illustrations, vectors, and videos. Vintage Stock Photos and Vector Art. ...more

1101 St. Paul Street, Suite 603, Baltimore, Delaware 21202
An International Forum for the Exchange and Dissemination of Information about Textiles Worldwide, from Artistic, Cultural, Economic, Historic, Political, Social and Technical Perspectives. ...more

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